Bring Your Lawn Chair to Watch the Eclipse on April 8

Hey Wildcats! Do you know what’s happening on April 8, 2024? Brace yourselves for a total solar eclipse! This rare event occurs every 18 months or so when the moon passes through the path of the Earth and sun, completely blocking the face of the sun, and covering Earth in total darkness for a few minutes. The coolest thing is that the sky starts to darken, almost like sunset, letting us know that the eclipse is approaching. Don’t miss this once-in-a-lifetime experience!! 

The best view we have learned from researchers is actually going to be the southwestern region of the North America, more specifically Texas and Mexico. The last time we had a view like this here in San Antonio of a total solar eclipse was back in 1397! According to NASA, the United Sates of America will not see another total eclipse until 2044, where the totality will only be seen from three states: Montana, North and South Dakota. 

The total eclipse is scheduled to begin around 12:15 pm central time and is expected to end by approximately 2:55 pm, as it moves across the United States. The maximum totality period is expected to last for about 4.5 minutes and will occur around 1:34 pm central time. The path of the eclipse originates in Texas and Mexico and extends towards the northeast, eventually concluding in Maine. 

You are invited to a spectacular event where you can witness a total solar eclipse on April 8, 2024, on our campus. NVC will hold classes remotely on April 8 to ensure that everyone can enjoy this celestial phenomenon safely. The viewing party will be held over by the Cedar Elm STEM Center (CESC) building, where telescopes and other items will be displayed to enhance your viewing experience. The event will take place in lot 6, around the CESC, Huisache Hall, and Juniper buildings. Please feel free to bring lawn chairs to make yourself comfortable. We hope you will take advantage of this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity and join us for this unforgettable experience. 

See solar eclipse YouTube playlist from NVC faculty, Josh Alquiza.

By NVC Student Mary Taft

NVC Can Help Students with Daily Struggles

Many people in college face numerous different struggles; from mental issues to financial problems it seems that life can get the better of you. Northwest Vista knows and understands this, and because of this provides numerous solutions to help students and their families. Today I will discuss some of the major issues college students face and ways that Vista can help!

Mental Health Struggles

Mental health is a very serious and growing issue; currently about 60% of college students are experiencing a mental health issue, which has grown from 50% in 2013. It is not a new issue, but one that can be minimized through the NVC Advocacy & Resource Center’s services such as skills coaching, short-term individual counseling, substance abuse counseling, and crisis intervention. These services can help decrease, or in the very least make the stress that you incur more bearable. The center also offers help outside of themselves and can make referrals and appointments.

Food on Campus

The school offers many different options and solutions to help feed students that may be struggling. In addition to the free GrabNGo at the Advocacy Center at Pecan Hall, the Center also allows student to shop (at no cost) in its food pantry, called The Store (by appointment).

Students can also purchase food at the Wildcat Cafe at the library and at the Wildcat Den (another cafe) at Huisache Hall. There’s also food trucks on campus and their menus can be found here, along with where the microwaves are located on campus.

Tech Support

NVC also offers technology help for your classes if you do not own any, such as checking out laptops. To learn more, go here

By NVC Student Mary Taft

Returning to School Later in Life Can be Challenging!

By NVC Student Evangelina Ramirez

Returning to school for my degree at age 48 has not been easy.

When I first became a college student at age 18 life was simple. I came to school and went home to momma’s house. I never had to worry about rent or mortgage, car payments, car insurance groceries, and dog walks. Not to mention, the full-time job and part time jobs I have now.

Fast forward 30 years and after serving 14 years in prison and starting all over from a recent divorce, I find myself searching for every opportunity to study and do my class work between trying to make ends meet.

Before the semester started, I made a very questionable decision to join a kickboxing class that I would pay for semi-weekly. I have made four classes since October 2021. Prioritizing time for me is now a daily task. And going home to Austin to be with family is a great feat with my schedule.

However, my career and my education are very important to me therefore, I am willing to accept the sacrifice of minimizing my extra-curricular free time to ensure I am focusing on what is important to me. Life’s curve balls are tough to juggle, however, I have found a way in every situation. I’m focused on striving to do better for myself and to continue to grow as a person.

It’s important for me to meet with my advisor to make sure that I stay on track with my class requirements. If I had to figure out my plan myself, I probably wouldn’t graduate for five years on a two-year program. You would think being an adult coming back to school would be so much simpler. Some of the obstacles I have encountered are financial hardships.

Since I am an adult with adult responsibilities, I must work. A full-time job is not enough. Then there are the bills that I am responsible for because I am my sole provider. After working my eight-to-five, I head over to my 5:30 to 9 p.m. gig every Monday through Thursday. On weekends, I dabble in Door Dash for a few extra bucks. I am grateful to have friends and family that think of me and sometimes drop a dinner meal off for me on my doorstep to my apartment so I will not have to cook. Those evenings are the best.

Before I became a student, I adopted a rescue pet named Andy. Andy has been my sidekick for six years. He requires a lot of attention but is very understanding and loving nonetheless. With the addition of my new Chihuahua terrier, Abby, they have become my fur babies and give me joy, but I have to make sure I walk them in the morning and come home at lunch to let them out and then head out to my second job.

I always keep my laptop on and ready on my desk for slow moments when I can get back to the homework. Once 5:30 pm hits, I am off to my next destination. It seems overwhelming at times, but I do know that I am proud of pushing myself every day. Some days are harder than others but, the final outcome will be a great accomplishment that I will feel good about.

Getting Used to Zoom and a New Normal

By NVC Student Daniel Acosta

First-day-of-schools can be stressful or exciting and I have had many since I was 3 years old. However, having to go through the pandemic was one of the most challenging periods in my life. Returning to school after the initial COVID lockdown felt like it was going to be a shot in the dark. I already had a lot of experience being a college student and graduated from UTSA, receiving my bachelor’s degree in 2016.

After training with the local adaptive sports program, STRAPS (South Texas Regional Adaptive & Para Sports) program for 4 years, I was experiencing some burn out. I won some medals, met some great people and given the circumstances of the incoming pandemic, STRAPS had to shut down as well. The stress level of being stuck at home made me realize that maybe it was time to return to school.

With my sister’s advice, I chose to attend Alamo College in the spring of 2021. I was excited to return to the academic world but obviously I had to tame my expectations as I instantly thought it was going to be like 2016 and before. I had plenty of experience dealing with Zoom during 2020 as I managed my local support group and other gatherings such as speed dating or playing online Jeopardy with my peers.

But I didn’t know what to expect trying to navigate Zoom in the classroom environment. So, I did what I would normally do on a typical first day of school: get up early, get dressed and look my best.

I open up my mother’s iPad, click on the Zoom link and then I saw a screenshot: “Basic Graphic Design Zoom Lecture starts at 9 AM.” In my mind, I needed to forget that I was still home. A few other students came in the chat and I remember telling them a silver lining: “Well, at least we don’t have to worry about morning traffic.”

I have been riding on a city bus between three cities since 1998. When Covid hit, I think I only caught the bus a total of four times in 2020. The old saying goes, you don’t appreciate what you have until it’s gone. Despite the city bus not being a luxurious experience, I always try to appreciate it because it gives me a sense of independence especially since I have Cerebral palsy which keeps me from mastering the reflexes to drive a vehicle. Overall, riding the city bus has certainly saved my family a lot of money in gas over the years.

Trying to interact with the other classmates in a Zoom or online environment is still a challenge. For this particular class, there was a chat section but the settings in our Zoom sessions didn’t’t allow us to chat privately or in groups. There was only one chat window where everybody saw everyone’s comments, which everybody was respectful and kind. But, I know I can’t be the only one that misses the side interactions with individual classmates. For example, I would more likely build a bond with the classmates that are next to me in the physical class setting.

Although a group of students and I made a GroupMe chat to alleviate the chat limitations, it cannot replace the physical dynamic of in-person interactions. Unfortunately, I think the lockdown created a lot of hesitation and isolation to try to create those interactions virtually. I know a lot of people are still so conditioned and still enjoy the benefits of being at home. I think if Zoom continues to become an option for classes, those in-person interpersonal skills will start to diminish if they haven’t started already.

I would also try to show up on campus and go through the COVID protocols when going inside a building on campus. Going to NVC on the bus takes about 2 1/2 hours. Yes, there is a huge convenience to not having to go to campus a few times a week especially if your classes are already online.

On the other hand, who wants to miss student orientation with the Ducks?

But I guess I have been conditioned since I was in preschool that going to another physical location for my education was normal and despite the commuting challenges I would face, it was part of the journey.

I don’t know what the future holds for in-person instruction in schools, but I’m sure I will be done with my certification before things get closer to “normal”.

But for better or worse, virtual gatherings will be in our lives. However, given that the stability of our Internet infrastructure at certain times like extreme weather, moderation is key. During the 2021 Texas winter freeze, my sister made a comment, “Now that we have Zoom, there are no more school weather closures. Then I said: “Maybe, unless the power goes out.”



Making New Friends During a Pandemic

There is a saying that I heard once –  “You never know what you got ’till it’s gone. The truth is you know exactly what you have though, you just never thought you’d lose it.”

For me, it was losing the chance to make new friends and meet familiar faces that became the epitome of that phrase. The pandemic changed everything!

Like many of you, I went into isolation before I got into college; I lost the chance to meet friends and teachers new and old. I lost the chance to explore and expand my boundaries which I’d slowly begun opening up to at the time, and it pushed many of the things I wanted to do back many months.

At first, I was happy. Not having to wake up early for school. Class assignments are all due on Sundays. Not having to meet with people. (I’m not the biggest social butterfly, don’t judge me.) Not having to eat cafeteria food. Sign me up! And for a while, it was great; I was able to work at my own time, help around the house more, get my personal life in order, hang out with my family, etc.

But eventually, the joy of being at home got numb, and like many people, I found myself tired.

Tired of seeing the same few people every day. Of wearing a mask whenever I went outside; or waking up to virtual meetings. And it only grew more tiring and irritable when I found out my next year of college would be like this. TWO YEARS of doing nothing but talking to someone behind a screen?

And it certainly didn’t help that I couldn’t talk to any of my high school friends, either. So much for keeping in touch! And there’s only so much you can do or learn about somebody else over video chat or a text message. So needless to say, even as a not-so-social butterfly, I feel as though I took being around new people for granted. It’s still something I take for granted, but I am willing to admit I’m at least trying. And soon I might not have to try as hard through a computer screen to meet a new face.

Right now, we’re seeing the distant light at the tunnel’s end. Sooner or later, COVID will be a thing of the past and we’ll hopefully be able to look back on it and see where we’ve come from since then. And sooner or later, we’ll be able to meet people and one another face-to-face. But that doesn’t mean we can’t meet one another right now – there are always different ways to get involved with classmates, clubs, and your campus. And for someone like myself to say that, it takes a lot. So I suggest reaching out to new people, make friends with your peers, and just remembering to stay safe during those moments.

By NVC Student Alex Rocha

To learn more about NVC clubs and organizations, go to our Student Life page


Progress is Not Linear

When you were a kid, how did you envision spending your twenties? I know I had a pretty rosy picture of myself finally being able to live life by my own rules and following my wildest dreams. I mean we all did, right?

I saw myself balancing all of my most exciting adventures with my definition of success, fueled by a degree. As a little kid and even in high school leading up to the great leap of adulthood, I always figured I would “be on the right track,” and stay there, ever steadily moving forward and up. Obviously, I thought, by my 30’s I’d have everything more or less set up and figured out for myself so that I could live a happy and healthy life. Forever and ever.

As I am sure many can relate, this is not how my 2nd decade on this earth went. To be honest, I had a tough time in my twenties. It began in my first year of high school, where I fell in love.

First love, right? Well, first loves sometimes turn out to be maniacally abusive sociopaths. Sometimes, they stick around for several years until you finally muster up the guts to run away in your bare feet just before your 19th birthday to a gas station and beg to use the phone to call your dad. And you liberate yourself from the pit of despair and you think, okay, I know what to do. I’m going to fix everything and get back on track.

So, long story short, I bit off way more than I could chew. I took such a huge bite I nearly choked to death. I spent the next several years repeating this cycle. Trying to “fix what I had ruined” by taking on too much, crashing and burning, hitting reset. Rinse and repeat. On two separate occasions, I attempted an associate’s degree with the Alamo Colleges and on both occasions, I failed to be successful because I refused to face how unhealthy I was, emotionally and mentally.

It wasn’t until my Stepmom asked me point blank one day at 25 years old if I was feeling suicidal that I finally admitted I needed help. I was diagnosed with PTSD and a few other mental health disorders. I spent the next few years recovering with the help of therapy and my family. Shedding weight, readjusting my life and goals to what I could manage and balance. And to what actually made sense for me.

I cannot fully explain it, but 11 years after I freed myself from my trauma, I woke up one New Year’s Day, and suddenly, I was overwhelmed with relief. It was like I was finally coming up for air for the first time, even after finding peace. And I realized that although I was in recovery, and feeling better than ever, I was still in full-on ostrich mode with my head in the sand. I was playing it safe, too scared to risk my newfound healthy and stable place of well-being.

I never thought I would be able to risk going back to school and failing again. But guess what? I decided by not pushing myself to reach my potential, I was still telling myself I wasn’t good enough. So, the spring before my 31st birthday I returned to the Alamo Colleges after my two previous failed attempts. I was able to bring my GPA up from a lowly 1.8 and back into good standing after 1 semester.

I’m now halfway through my 3rd semester since returning, still going strong. I have prioritized my goals but am working on them at a pace that is manageable and realistic for me. I wanted to share my story with you all in case there is anyone out there who might be feeling like maybe it’s too late or too much of a pipe dream to make a change. Maybe you feel like you’ve screwed your life up beyond repair. Nothing could be farther from the truth.

Maybe you’re in school right now and you’re struggling with something personal and it’s interfering with your academic success and your mental health. My advice to anyone experiencing anything similar is this. Please reach out to someone and let them know how you’re feeling and what you’re struggling with. If I had just had the guts to be honest about how much I was struggling I could have saved myself a lot of trouble and pain, not to mention precious time.

It may seem cliché, but it really is true that it’s never too late to go after what you want. You are worth it. But please know that if you are in school and you are struggling with something that is damaging your mental health, there is also no shame in pairing back.

Maybe take one class less or take a semester off. Consult with your advisor on how best to approach it so you can prevent damaging your GPA like I did (but if you do damage your GPA, do not shame yourself into believing you’re doomed, please). That way, when you are ready to return, you can pick up where you left off, even if you end up wanting to take a different direction.

If you burn out and your flame runs too low to function on a healthy level, something is going to give. Do not let that something be you. Let your definition of success also include making your well-being a priority. Making your personal success the priority will in turn set you up in the best way for your academic and professional successes.

By NVC Student Kyla Vance

If you need advice, resources or help, please reach out to NVC’s Student Advocacy & Resource Center. They provide a variety of services including mental health and counseling. 

The Right Time is Now!

In my family, a good work ethic was expected of me from a very young age. My parents always stressed that anything worth having could only be achieved through hard work. As a first-generation American, this was amplified by the idea that as foreigners in this country, the only way to be successful was to work (and to work hard). Of course, they also expected me to excel at my studies, but in school, being an honor roll student was not nearly as impressive to my family as becoming a manager at my retail job.

By the time I graduated high school, my mother was raising us on her own. We were doing well, but not well enough to afford college. I decided to take a year off and work to put myself through school. I had a good job and made good money before I even graduated high school. I told myself I would work one year, save some money and go back to school. Then, before I knew it, a decade had come and gone. I had spent the last 10 years at the same job, prioritizing work over my dreams.

Unfortunately, like many people worldwide, I lost my job last March due to the pandemic. For the first time in a decade, I had the opportunity to stop and reflect on what I was doing with my life. Ten years I spent at a job that I knew I didn’t want to do for the rest of my life. It took unemployment and a pandemic to realize that while I was working hard, I wasn’t working towards my goals. I was merely working.

Thankfully, things have been going better than I could have ever imagined. I am currently back in school pursuing the career of my dreams at Northwest Vista College. After so much time off from school, I was nervous about returning, as I am sure many others are. The staff at Alamo Colleges was a big help in easing my nerves. From career counseling to finding the right online degree program for me, they encouraged me to let go of my fears and get back to pursuing my dreams. I am currently wrapping up my first semester back to school, and in eight weeks, I have learned so much. My summer courses covered everything from working with multiple Adobe programs to the basics of HTML, and I hope to use these skills to start my own business one day.

I chose to write about this topic because I know there are numerous other students in a similar situation. The world we live in instills in us that financial security is equivalent to success. I believe having a good job isn’t the same as being successful. For me, success comes from finding your purpose in life and pursuing your dreams. Therefore, to anyone who is considering returning to school or is putting it off for the “right” time, the right time is now. I’m not saying it will be easy, but I am saying it will be worth it.

By NVC Student Janeth Cruz

NVC Scholarships & Undergrad Research Projects in Nano Program

The NanoEngineering program at NVC will be offering undergraduate research projects and workshops in fall 2021. The students who are enrolled in the Nano program and/or are taking nanotechnology courses can participate in these workshops and will receive a stipend up to $1,800. Students will be trained on using microscopy and spectroscopy techniques, biomedical engineering projects, and nano-electronics.

This is a great learning opportunity and also helps students financially. If there are open slots, other NVC STEM students may be considered. To receive the stipend, students must successfully complete and participate in the workshop. 

Space is limited so if you’re interested in these workshops, please email Dr. Neda Habibi, coordinator of NanoEngineering program at


NVC Grad Among Elite Group of Barry Goldwater Scholars

Congratulations to former Northwest Vista College graduate Adam Hooker for being in an elite class to be named a Barry Goldwater Scholar.

According to a story in UTSA Today: Adam is one of only four UTSA students out of 409 national recipients to receive the Barry Goldwater Scholarship, which is the most prestigious national scholarship awarded to undergraduate students engaging in research in the natural sciences, engineering and mathematics. Many of the Scholars, including Adam, have published their research in leading professional journals and have presented their work at professional society conferences.

UTSA Today noted Hooker is the first electrical engineering student to win the Goldwater Scholar award at UTSA. He is also the first transfer student from UTSA to win the award. Last year, the Goldwater Foundation increased accessibility for the scholarship, allowing universities to nominate a fifth student, as long as they transferred from a two-year or four-year institution.

While at NVC, he earned two associate degrees. In 2014, he received an Associate of Art (Business Administration and Management), and in 2018 he earned an Associate of Science (Pre-Engineering). Adam said he hopes his achievements will motivate others at NVC that there are many opportunities open to them.

“Through the elite quality of instruction I received from all of my professors at Northwest Vista College, I have the tools to succeed in my field. As I am finishing my undergraduate studies and am beginning the transition into the workforce and my graduate program, I am given reassurance by the skills I developed during my early coursework,” Adam said. “I am incredibly thankful for all the resources that were made available to me during my time at Alamo Colleges and in particular by the Math department of Northwest Vista.”

At NVC, Adam participated in Alamo College’s CIMA-LSAMP (for STEM students) program and has since worked as an electrical engineering intern with Southwest Research Institute and Allosense. Recently, he was hired by NASA – Armstrong Flight Research Center for a 2021 summer internship.

The Goldwater Foundation is a federally endowed agency established in 1986. The Scholarship Program honoring Senator Barry Goldwater was designed to foster and encourage outstanding students to pursue research careers in the fields of the natural sciences, engineering, and mathematics. The Goldwater Scholarship is the preeminent undergraduate award of its type in these fields.


NVC Music, Pharmacy and Psychology Students Making Waves

Congratulations to several Northwest Vista College students for their achievements.

NVC Music Students

NVC singers recently participated in the 2021 South Texas NATS Chapter Auditions. Dylan Ramirez took home the First Place in Lower College Musical Theater and Elizabeth Potts received Second Place in Upper College Musical Theater.

“What a fantastic accomplishment! I am so proud of their unlimited effort, putting in extra hours of rehearsing and showing incredible patience in recording their videos and reviewing with me. Again, Congratulations!” said Dr. Minkyung Lee, NVC Assistant Professor of Voice/Director of Choral Activities.

Pharmacy Scholarship

Jessica Remmers was recently selected as a Pharmacy Technician Certification Scholar. Jessica is one of only 30 students to receive Phi Theta Kappa’s Fall Walgreens Pharmacy Technician Certification Scholarship! NVC’s

Dr. Lisa McGoldrick is the advisor for the NVC chapter of Phi Theta Kappa, which is an honor society recognizing the academic achievement of students at associate degree-granting colleges and helping them to grow as scholars and leaders.

NVC Psychology Graduates Present Original Research at Psychology Conference

Two Northwest Vista College psychology graduates led presentations of their research at the annual meeting of the Southwestern Psychological Association (SWPA) on April 11.

Kristelle Cefre, who recently graduated with a psychology degree from the University of Texas at San Antonio, presented a research talk titled, “Science-Based Higher and Virtual Education Decreases Sexual Prejudices and Discrimination,” and Madison Stout, a junior at UTSA, majoring in psychology, presented a talk titled, “Biological Sex and Sexual Orientation Affect Sexual Consent.”  Other researchers contributing to these studies, include NVC psychology graduates Diane Goguen, Ashley Richardson, and Ashley Schultz, as well as NVC psychology professor Dr. Don Lucas.

Established in 1953, SWPA represents American Psychological Association members living in Arizona, Arkansas, Kansas, Louisiana, Missouri, New Mexico, Oklahoma, Tennessee, and Texas. SWPA promotes and strengthens psychology’s scientific, professional, and educational facets.

Click for virtual versions of Kristelle’s and Maddie’s presentations.