Advantages of Taking a Flex Course

With Flex II classes starting on Oct. 19, I decided to share my experience with flex courses. When I first started college, the idea of a flex class was really scary to me. I had always heard about how fast pace they are and how the workload can be demanding.

For those reasons, I never had the courage to sign up for one until this past summer when I had to because there were no other options available. I ended up taking a Texas History Maymester class. It was only five weeks long, and to my surprise, one of the best classes I’ve taken at NVC so far! I enjoyed how quickly the course ended. It got me thinking about how convenient courses like this one could be for a lot of people, so I compiled a list of advantages that come with taking flex courses.

  • Fast Paced – Due to flex courses being so fast paced, they can help you obtain more credit hours in a short period of time which means you can earn your associate’s degree faster!
  • Affordable – Flex courses are only $99 a credit hour for in-district students.
  • Convenient for Working Parents– Parents are used to a fast-paced life so introducing a flex course wouldn’t be too difficult! Not only are flex courses fast paced they are also most of the time self-paced!
  • Flex Class + Remote Learning – NVC is currently offering a bunch of flex classes remotely starting Oct. 19. This is a huge advantage because not only will the course credits be earned quickly and efficiently but from the comfort of your home!

Check out this link for more info: Fall 2020 Registration & Payment Calendar. Note: Currently enrolled students on financial aid would likely have to pay out-of-pocket for additional classes taken during the Flex II term.

By NVC Student Haneen Rafati