Where do you go to School?

“So where are you going to school?” Do you get asked that question? Invariably I try to divert the attention from the fact that I’m attending a community college. It’s strange because it’s totally nonsensical to be embarrassed about going to a junior college once one thinks about it.

Northwest Vista is an excellent school, but I still have this ingrained feeling that a community college is somehow inferior to a four-year college. One can’t rate a school on what degree the institution offers, but on the quality of the education. NVC has that quality especially in the Digital Video and Cinema Production program.

One aspect of the DVCP program that displays its quality is the chance to work in the industry before even graduating. It’s required to complete an internship as part of the degree plan, and there are great opportunities out there.

I’m doing my internship at FOX 29 in San Antonio, and I’m learning how a TV station operates on a day-to-day basis. One of my friends is designing advertising and editing video for a company that does projects for an oil corporation – you’ll probably be seeing his work on beer koozies soon. Another friend is making video promos for a company that records extreme sports events!

These are all opportunities that students from NVC are getting right now. So where do I go to school? At a community college you’ve probably heard of – Northwest Vista College.

By NVC Student Peter Northrop