Shakin’ it up

It’s taking schools by force. Young and old join together. Never has such a force united so many people of such a variety at NVC. Such a spontaneous force can only be one thing – the Harlem Shake!

In the Palmetto Center for the Arts, a diverse group of students came together to make history in the back hall. The windows were blacked out, glow in the dark gear was passed out to the excited crowd, the camera crew set up dolly track and a jib, and the time came to crazy it up. The first shot featured NVC’s mascot: the Wildcat, who demonstrated great team spirit; and after a few moments the rest of the crowd got into the swing of the dance, and jumped up to get in on the action.

A picture is worth a thousand words, and a video is worth much, much more. There’s no way to tell you everything that happened without writing a thesis paper, so instead I’ll give you something you might enjoy. I’ll give you the Harlem Shake link.

Get ready to see something, nothing, sorta’ like every other Harlem Shake video on YouTube. Turn up your speakers, throw on your special crazy hat, and try to spot someone you know in the NVC Harlem Shake video.


By NVC Student Peter Northrop