More than Just Sunburns

Photo from NVC C.A.T Crew Facebook Page

Raise your hand if you are just getting over a second-degree sunburn. Don’t be embarrassed, it’s only terrible when you are trying to be Edward or Bella, and are nurturing vampire-white skin.

Those of you who didn’t raise your hand can join my side of the table. I didn’t even get a tan. Es muy triste, but we’re not going to talk about that.

But for a group of NVC students, they got something more valuable than a tan for spring break. They took part in the United Way Alternative Spring Break in Tuscon, Ariz. that included working at Boys & Girls Clubs, taking part in educational activities and sprucing up the facilities.

The best part about the trip, it was free! I would use more exclamation marks, but I’m trying to prevent everyone else getting too excited and signing up for the next available bus before I do. The travel alone makes the experience worthwhile, but the great thing is that the group went to serve others. They had a positive impact on the people they met in Tucson, and they did more over spring break than just get a pre-spring burn. I don’t know the next time they’re going, but stay connected with the student life office if you want in.

By NVC Student Peter Northrop