Online vs. Traditional Classes

I have enjoyed most of my time at Northwest Vista College, but online classes are not for me.

I understand the need for distance learning for those with a crazy schedule needing to fit classes into their semester. It allows them flexibility in their schedule and maybe more options for their education.

I prefer interaction and feedback. I enjoy being in the class and getting to know the teacher and how the class works. I want to be able to communicate with my professor and get support from my peers.

Today’s technology allows us to stare at a screen for hours for interactions with others, but you still feel isolated.  I know for myself, I do better in a traditional education setting. It might be helpful to have “face to face” webcam sessions and remote desktop control in online classes.

Personally, I seem to get cognitive overload every time I see the list of required readings for the week. I would prefer to hear it from the professor with a class discussion.

I wish NVC could offer more variety in online learning and provide
 more face-to-face classes.

By NVC Student Shawn Borsheim