Get Involved: Join the C.A.T Crew

Vista students volunteering for Habitat for Humanity

When I was a new student, I always saw a group of students helping out in events and I wanted to learn how I could get involved. I eventually asked the Student Life office how I could join in on the fun and they sent me an email about how to join the C.A.T Crew.

My first experience as a member of C.A.T. Crew was very interesting. I was a volunteer in Habitat of Humanity. I felt very nervous but excited at the same time. I did not know they do a lot of activities to help people off campus.

C.A.T. crew is very involved at Vista and are always hosting events for students. Some events that I volunteered for were breast cancer week and Halloween. My favorite was in November and the event was “Elf Willy,” which was to celebrate Christmas and give children presents. The crew wrapped all the presents for the families, who are in financial need. The next day they hosted a breakfast for the families.

I encourage students to join a club like this because it teaches the meaning of service. Joining the C.A.T. Crew is a grand opportunity to get involved, meet others and learn about your campus. To learn more about the C.A.T Crew, go here.

Contributed by NVC Student Shaila Ramirez