Finals Don’t Have to Mean Panic

Well students, it’s here. The end of the semester is upon us, and for some it’s the end of an era. Whether it’s surviving your first year of college or completing a degree program, all of us are at a milestone in our quest for higher education. The advent of finals is the biggest indication of that, but for some students, finals can be pretty scary. Especially if your grade depends on it, then preparing for one can be a nightmare!

But finals aren’t all bad. Yes, a lot hinges upon them, but you’ve made it this far already without dropping the class (given that you are in the class and/or dealing with finals). Perhaps you aced the tests all year and are exempt from taking the final, if so, good for you! You’ve worked hard and deserve it! If not, don’t give up so easily. I know finals can turn even the most confident student into a nervous wreck.

If you are indeed nervous about how the fate of this past semester fares, the best advice I can offer you is don’t doubt your abilities. If you truly don’t think you can ace the final, or get at least what you need to pass the course, talk to a teacher or tutor about any accommodations you may need. The labs here at NVC (writing, math, science, etc.) are here for the sole purpose of helping students succeed. Get together with friends/classmates, do whatever you have to do to ensure you make the most of your opportunity.

Also, don’t forget to study! I know that may sound like I’m stating the obvious, but if you’re like a lot of people (myself included), studying for tests usually gets relegated to the day before the test. If you’re the type that fares well this way, congratulations! Even still, you may want to give finals preparation a little more dedication.

Good luck on your finals, students! I hope you all do the best that you can on them!

Marisa Luna
NVC Ambassador