When I first started attending Northwest Vista College as a student, my main goal was to get through my workload and making money. Isn’t that every student’s goal?
I thought to myself, how am I going to manage a job and a full school load. I had friends who worked and went to school, and they had a lot of difficulty trying to manage their schedule. I didn’t want to be that student who got all caught up in work and had no time to finish school, which is the most important thing right now. I thought it would be a miracle if I could find a job that worked with my schedule and also give me time to work on my homework and studying. That’s when I learned about the work study jobs that Northwest Vista offers to students.
A work study job is a part-time job that is offered within the departments at Northwest Vista College. In my opinion it was the greatest discovery ever because I get to go to school and conveniently walk to work after my classes. The departments work great with your school schedule and most importantly you are making money. Not to mention the great experience I gained from working here. When I first started working as a work study in the public relations department, I had no idea what public relations was. All I knew was that it dealt with relating to the public. I have experienced things that I never thought I would experience, such as working on media sites to promote the school and even working with TV stations for promotional purposes.
After working as a work study for two years, I have gained so much knowledge and skills that will follow me throughout my life. I have met so many people that I never thought I would interact with; and I also learned more about promotion than I ever thought I would. This wonderful experience has made a huge impact on me and has made me second think my major. I believe that students should take advantage of these work study opportunities. Who knows, maybe you might like the department you work in, and might want to change your major. Click here to see all the work study positions. Just select work study in the “Job Category.”
– NVC Student Tiffany Rico
Wildcat Mentor & Public Relations Work Study