NVC Female Students: Apply by Nov 4 for Spring 2017 Scholarship

Eligible women attending Northwest Vista College may apply for a $500 scholarship from Network Power/Texas. The deadline to submit applications is Nov. 4. Applications are available in Manzanillo Hall, Room 104D. To be eligible for the scholarship, students must meet the following criteria: Must be a female student currently enrolled at Northwest Vista College Have [...]

Your Vote is Important

Our nation’s voting season is upon us. Daily we are hearing about our presidential candidates through television, news, radio, and social media. Individuals are already starting to form their opinion on who they will vote for in November. According to “Young-Adult Voting: An Analysis of Presidential Elections,” it’s typical that in American elections, “young [...]

Ready, Set…Graduate

Hello NVC students, hope everyone is doing well and attending classes regularly. I just wanted to give reminders to our students who will be graduating this semester. This is definitely an exciting time and what better way to end the year than with your associate’s degree. A few tidbits to keep in mind: 1. [...]
Gradtober Fest Graduation

NVC Grads Get Published in Research Magazines

Former Northwest Vista College students and recent UTSA graduates are making waves in the research field. Andre Childs was recently published in the Journal of Raman Spectroscopy and Jay Giuliani authored an article that was published in the Journal of Electroanalytical Chemistry. “Attending Northwest Vista allowed me to expand my horizons and embrace all [...]