Hey Wildcats! And you FUTURE Wildcats scoping out our website!
Parking is NOT so bad here at Northwest Vista! This is coming from a person who DEFINITELY likes to keep driving around for that front parking spot or who will wait that 10 minutes with my blinker on for that close spot, while the person I’m patiently waiting on is slowly climbing in, slowly fastening their seatbelt, checking their phone, finding a radio station and finally decides to pull out knowing very well I’m waiting for them! (While laughing – you know what I’m talking about).
Parking usually seems to be at its worst, of course, when we’re running late for our class or meeting! That’s normal, Wildcats, so don’t let it get you down and out! Let’s be courteous and friendly and FUN towards our fellow Wildcats while driving around, they could be a key to your successful future or you’ll just feel much better inside!
Those of you NIGHT ‘Cats, a couple of few safety tips… depending on your parking spot: reverse on in! Sometimes, backing up into the parking spot leaves you a clear path to your driver’s side door when walking back at night! You might even try parking a little further up in your parking spot! Pull up a little! Just don’t go beyond where the white lines end, we don’t want to cause traffic problems! Tips are not to alarm you, but only to make you feel safer. Our campus is well lit with many emergency phones, and we do have security that circles the campus!
(see “Campus Map for emergency phone locations, http://www.alamo.edu/nvc/about/maps.htm#campus)
I do what I can to get on campus in time to find a decent parking spot without pressure and stress, so that I can enjoy my stroll to class through our beautiful campus! This semester, I’ve been pretty successful! I hope you will too!
Tara Torres
NVC Ambassador