Time for a Career Change…Back to School I Go

Who wants to go to work and argue all day? Not I. Not anymore. I decided to change my career instead.

This was a major decision. I had to understand that for a period of 2 years, I would have to:

  • Give up substantial income;
  • Travel less;
  • Pamper myself less;
  • Stop helping others financially; and
  • Forego other luxuries I’d grown accustomed to.

First, I had the difficult task of identifying which path to pursue. I wanted a less stressful career with greater opportunities for flexibility. I researched career sites, spoke with a career coach, took personality tests, etc., and decided to pursue Front-End Web Development.

Next, I had to figure out the most cost-effective way to train for this career. I had the option to attend a coding boot camp, but I wanted a well-rounded education that would teach programming and design. I am on track to obtain a Level 1 Certificate in Digital Media through NVC.

I’m noticing how much has changed over the years since I’ve been in school. Not to worry, because I have good adaptation skills. I’ve decided to do things differently this time.

Online Courses

I avoided online courses in the past and now they make up 75% of my schedule. I am less inclined to join clubs or attend events. Although, I wish I were eligible to study abroad. That would be awesome.


I’m also realizing the crazy amount of pressure I put on myself. I’m in my first semester and have experienced high levels of frustration while working through assignments. I’ve earned a BA in Political Science, a Paralegal Certificate and a lucrative career, yet I’m questioning my abilities this time around.

I had to stop comparing my older brain to my younger one. I’m more focused on learning skills and less focused on making the grade. I must stay mindful of my self-talk to make sure it’s positive.


I have to stop being timid when interacting with my professors. When my confidence wanes, I question my decision to change my career. After feeling the thrill of creating a project, I want to experience it again and again.

I have pep talks with myself to reiterate that this is a new field and I need to allow myself time to learn and gain experience. I have great teachers who are more than willing to help. I also have an amazing support system existing of my husband and teenage son.

Hard work and confidence is key. It took great courage to take this step. It will all be worth it when I obtain my certificate and start my new career. I can do this!

By NVC Student Kaphillis Brown